What is the deal with the mask? 

You may have noticed that I wear an ffp2 or ffp3 respirator when in crowded indoor or badly ventilated space with few exceptions. Why is that?
Covid infections are still circulating the globe and every infection increases your individual risk of cardiovascular disease, neurological symptoms and long covid.
There is no cure for long covid.
I believe that easily implemented interventions that can reduce the risk of myself or my family coming down with irreversible ill health, are worth the effort. I would rather wear a mask than risking my long term health or the health of everyone around me.

For a current overview of covid infections in the UK please follow the posts from independent sage: https://independentsage.substack.com/ For an overview of the known implications of covid infections please see: The pandemic accountability index  Remember that getting vaccinated reduces your risk of coming down with severe acute illness, although the risk is still not zero. Vaccination also reduces the risk of long covid but the incidence of long covid is still estimated conservatively to be 10%. In other words, one in ten infections results in long covid. 
For an understanding of what repeat COVID infections means for your health, here is how you can consider the math: Undertanding Cumulative Risk PS. If you want to make your indoor gathering more accessible and lower the health risk for everyone in attendance, including any individuals who are clinically vulnerable, please consider how you can implement increased ventilation and/or HEPA air filtration. Thank you for being considerate.